Log in to Calabrio ONE

The login page allows you to log in using your Calabrio ONE credentials or an external identity provider. Before a user can log in, an administrator has to create an identity for the user in Calabrio ONE. Administrators must navigate to Application Management > User Configuration > Users to create new users.



Activate your Calabrio ONE account

  1. Follow the link provided in your activation email from Calabrio Support Services. The link directs you to reset your password on the Calabrio ONE login page.
  2. Enter a unique password that adheres to the password complexity requirements detailed below.

    IMPORTANT   The link in your activation email can only be used once, and it works for 24 hours. If you were not able to use the link in your activation email follow the troubleshooting procedure Troubleshoot log in issues for Calabrio ONE

Password complexity requirements

Password complexity requirements are based on Microsoft’s password policy: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh994562.aspx.

The following rules apply when you create or edit a user, or when you change or reset a password.

These rules apply only where you configure a password that is controlled by Calabrio ONE. If a user enters a password for an external system that is not controlled by Calabrio ONE, Calabrio ONE will not validate the password (for example, ACD configuration).

NOTE   A user can be created without a password (manually or automatically via ACD sync). A user without a password cannot log in. That user must use the “Forgot Password” link and set up a password.

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